Welcome to LightScribe.TV
If you are new to LightScribe I hope this video training will get you up and running with LightScribe fast.
If on the other hand you are like me an old (very in my case…) hand at burning LightScribe labels then I hope there is something here that will help you take your labeling to the next level.
My name is Steve Nelson and I have been LightScribe labeling since February 2006, and in that time I have created in excess of 27,000 LightScribe labels… And during that time I have answered 1000s of LightScribe questions.
Questions that have ranged from:
- The simple (how do I install and set up…)
- To the more interesting (how do I get the most from my LightScribe set up…)
- To the challenging (Why won’t this work…) type.
Why LightScribe.TV?
And one thing I realized, is that to show, (in the past with Screenshots) was far more effective than to write long involved explanations.
But even better still is to Tell and Show via Video.
So LightScribe.TV was born.
And Why Now?
As you may know HP have closed their LightScribe support website back in December 2013 and have not updated the core LightScribe software since March 2013. This has left a gaping hole in LightScribe support.
I have tried to fill this at one of my other LightScribe websites LightScribeSoftware.org but felt the time was right for a new, dynamic and fresh approach!
This is very much an ongoing project…
I will be adding new videos on an ongoing basis. In addition and in response to the suggestions I get, I will create videos that answer specific questions.
LightScribe.TV News
To save you time coming back to check the site for new videos just sign up for the LightScribe Video Newsletter. That way as soon as I have posted some new video training you will be notified straight away…
Remember, if you have a specific request for a video, please let me know via the poll to the right in the sidebar:
As always, happy Scribing…